Friday, March 20, 2009

Citigroup CEO protests efforts to tax bonuses - International Business - Business - The Times of India

Citigroup CEO protests efforts to tax bonuses - International Business - Business - The Times of India

I agree, I don't want to see our tax payer money given to the rich as much as the next guy, but the reality is, if you want to invest in getting these companies back around, I'd rather invest in top talent, then force these companies to work with less than the best.It would be similar to you taking over a basketball team who was caught cheating, you fire the coach who cheated, but then you decide that you are going to cut all the player's salary, and one of your player's is named Jordan. if Jordan walks, there goes any chance of you being successful.


Bobby B said...

I already heard many at Goldman's prop desk have walked away and are going to start their own.

And there have been companies attempting to raise capital in England, as people do no like the rules changing. I dont blame anyone- Im already reading about the Tax codes in other countries...

Longhorn_Inc said...

I think that the senate is being a bit more level headed about this aggressive response to the AIG bonusgate. Obama has also stated that he disagrees with the bonuses at AIG, but was not sure that a 90% tax was the right response. I think cooler heads will prevail. But we definitely need to keep an eye on this. A protectionistic regulation environment is something that could severely hurt this economy.